
The Seed for Stimulation: Tête-à-Tête

A Noun form borrowed from the French for intellectual and intimate interactions, Tête-à-Tête features some Interesting Takes, Informed Reviews and Inspiring Thoughts while engaging in active conversation with Books, Pens & Personalities   This seed of Saptha Beej is for those who want to read beyond just news and events. We attempt a holistic approach to: 
  • Interpreting books for its Context and Practical Applicability
  • Reviewing Pens, Inks, and Papers for both its Beauty and Usability and 
  • Explore Relationships, Emotions, and Better Global Cross-Cultural Understanding through Face-to-Face interviews with relevant Names and Personalities. 
The Four Seasons Plan

The Four Seasons Plan

The Quest for the letters A-Z has literally taken me around the World from America to New Zealand. The journeys have also inspired me to a Four Seasons Plan for my 60s. Our opening Seed of Tete-A-Tete talks of an interesting pit stop I made at the ‘Last Bus Stop’...

What and Why Saptha Beej?

The Maestro K.C Janardhan speaks about Handwriting, Lettering, Calligraphy, Fountain Pens, Writing Instruments, and other issues related to Education. Engage the Five Senses, Explore the Two Sides through the Seven Weeks & Seven Deep thought seeds…