
Terms & Conditions

  • The consultation fee is payable in advance, please plan your time accordingly.
  • The appointment will be confirmed upon receipt of the consultation fee.
  • The consultation fee would be adjusted in the final invoice upon signing a business contract with a minimum value of INR 10,000.
  • Professional service consultations are chargeable for a slot of 30 mins. Each slot would be charged at INR 2,500.
    Payable to:
    K C Janardhan – A/C no: 54018123182
    IFSCode: SBIN 0070242
    State Bank of India
    Tippu Sultan Palace Road Branch,
    Bangalore – 560002
We will send you the information about the available time on that particular date.
Please mention the reason for the appointment - Enquiry or Professional with a brief description.

Appointments for service enquiries are free.
To meet or to talk to The Maestro, for professional engagements, please fill-up the form for an appointment. Our secretarial team will confirm the date, time & place.
Monday to Sunday: Timings are 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.

  • The current waiting period is 30 days, please check the availability prior to scheduling the appointment.