“Fighting Stigma, He Wrote His Own Success”
– The Hindu, November 17, 2010.

JIFFEOC– J’s International Foundation For Epilepsy & Other Challenges.

Prof. K C Janardhan was invited by The Indian Epilepsy Association(IEA) as a speaker for their Sixth Annual Conference – ECON 2005 held at Jaipur on September 23, 2005. His talk on “Winning with Hot Water Epilepsy” was featured under the prestigious Dr. K S Mani Memorial Session.

He was also selected by the IEA as the “Outstanding Person with Epilepsy” to represent India at the Asian Oceanian Congress On Epilepsy that was held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between November 15-19, 2006. He presented his experiences of being born with hot water epilepsy. The trauma he had to undergo when he faced the wrath of society, due to the stigma attached to epilepsy.

The doctors and other participants at the Congress hailed his presentation as “Impressive”, “Inspiring” “Motivating”, “Wonderful” and “Hope to Emulate”. Here are some key written compliments:

“I was impressed with your presentation and what you have achieved in your life. I find positive people like you are focusing on the greater good in life extremely inspiring and you fit in well in that role, I can only hope to emulate such people”.

– Putri Juneita Johari, one of the parents of a child with epilepsy at the Congress

“Our Indian representative Mr. K C Janardhan’s talk was greatly appreciated for its content and style of presentation”. 

Dr. H V Srinivas, Eminent Neurologist and IEA Member 

Through Rotary International KCJ has also worked with children and teachers at two Orphanages – AGATHIAN HOME and RUMAH SHALOM and at  a school for children with Epilepsy and Down Syndrome. He mainly focussed on Self Discovery for Self Development.

KCJ also organized and conducted (almost single handedly) the FIRST EVER Motorcycle Rally for “The Indian Epilepsy Association – Bangalore chapter” on March 11, 2007.

In April 2007, he was awarded “OUTSTANDING PERSON WITH EPILEPSY” by the International Bureau of Epilepsy, Ireland for his presentation at the Sixth Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress held at Kuala Lumpur in November 2006. 

He was invited as a speaker by the IBE, Ireland to make a presentation on “Winning with Epilepsy and Calligraphy”, at the Asia Oceanian Epilepsy Congress held on October 21, 2010 at Melbourne, Australia.

During October 2010, he delivered a series of talks on Calligraphy and Epilepsy as well as “Be Your Own Master” in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and Auckland in New Zealand.

Walking Through Setbacks With Success:

His visits to NIMHANS for treatment in the 1960’s and 70’s, however earned ridicule. He was almost ostracised from society, maligned, rejected and written off. Its during this phase that he learnt to showcase his natural abilities in painting, sculpting and mimicry and even hoped to change the attitude of society towards Epilepsy with his performance.

He soon went on to achieve “World-Class Distinctions in his Vocations” and was also cured completely of the ailment after a prolonged treatment. He has been free from any kind of epileptic attacks since 1986 and takes pride in the fact that despite the worst times he has never sought sympathy.