What’s in Store at the Museum?
♣ A Rare Collection of Handwriting, Lettering, Calligraphy, Fountain Pens and other Writing Instruments with a rare collection of Quill’s, Nibs, Pen Holders, Inkwells, Fountain Pens, Felt pens, Ball & Rollerball pens, Ink Bottles of various Shapes and Colours, Paperweights, other Table accessories, writing tablets and writing tables.
♣ An In-House Calligraphy Studio – for Calligraphy productions.
♣ A Training Centre with a unique ambience of visual, auditory & olfactory appeal.
♣ A Library with rare books and journals on Handwriting & Calligraphy, a collection of Pen catalogues, an extraordinary collection of student’s files and samples of their handwriting before and after the Maestro’s personalised training which has been carefully preserved over the years.
♣ A proposed Gift shop which will offer rare pieces created by the Maestro like calligraphed nameplates, bookmarkers, ink blotter rockers, nib shaped pen stands, pens, nibs, quills, paperweights, books, clocks, timepieces, key chains, coasters, t-shirts, caps, umbrellas, books fountain & calligraphy pens.for the visitors.
♣ A Gallery to showcase Calligraphy and other Art Productions of the Maestro and his Students.
♣ A Publishing House, exclusively publishing the Maestro’s books and Videos on Handwriting, Calligraphy and other subjects.
You are Welcome to Experience the Uniqueness of this Small but World’s One-of-its-kind Museum