The seed for the Absolute Soul Mind Society (SMS) Connect - Swachata Swasthya Samaja
“When the Mind is Polluted, Thoughts get Perverted, Actions are Corrupted and the SYSTEM is Prosecuted. This marks the decline of Humanity, the Family, the Locality, the Society, the City, the State, and the Country…”
These wise words of my friend, mentor and guide Professor Vijay S Rao, unfortunately, have become the order of the day, today. We need to steer clear and make way for better awareness of self and society. Cleanse the mind and soul of the insecurities that breed jealousy and greed beyond needs. What better way to seed a beginning than the words and actions expressed in the right order? Every cycle of Saptha Beej attempts to create a clear-thinking individual and an informed citizen through Swachata Swasthya Samaja.