J’s Quill Corporate Social Responsibility

A True Statesman & Social Reformer in Action

J’s Altruistic Initiatives At A Glance

1992 to 1995: Prof. K C Janardhan, as the Convenor of EXNORA for Karnataka, actively propagated the message of Solid Waste Management. In this direction, he worked along with the now Bruhath Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), Bangalore Development Authority (BDA), Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (BMRDA) and the State Government to solve the various issues related to regular garbage management in the city. He also helped in locating new dumping sites and implemented the innovative, self-sustaining model of door-to-door segregated waste collection and disposal system by forming Civic Bodies of EXNORA consisting of 100 houses and employing rag pickers to do the collection every morning and also cleaning the locality.

In association with Sterling Tree Magnum and Maxworth Orchards, through EXNORA K C Janardhan also donated 1,200 plus tricycles to BMP that were specially designed with hydraulic tipper mechanism for waste collection. In the process, he assisted the University of Netherlands to research Solid Waste Management and held an International Seminar at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

As part of the Disaster Management Team of the Government of Karnataka during the Plague Epidemic scare: He warned the government that the “apocalypse” had just left its calling card on the city and also detailed on how discontinuing the program with any change in government or related authorities would lead to a greater disaster ahead, making Bangalore the “Garden City the “Garbage City” in No Time.

1995 to COVID-19: Successive governments have worked hard towards proving KCJ right by reducing Bengaluru to the intolerable Garbage City by 2015. Various reports in the Media are living proof of this fact. He now remains at continuous work warning various civic and infrastructure authorities on possible remedial measures to be implemented to avert disasters of greater magnitude with an overwhelming number of immutable viruses and natural calamities that would cripple our lives and reduce  Bengaluru to a “Ghost City!”

Now that the recent Corona Crisis has hit the nail, his hope remains that the ruling government should wake up and plan holistically with various departments working in tandem to restore normalcy and save Bengaluru with strict control measures of Garbage, Pollution, Traffic and all other essential services working smoothly in tandem.  As it is said “Prevention is better than cure” and let Bengaluru Not become a case of “Locking the Barn after the Horse is gone

  1. BFAWT– Bengaluru Fort Area Welfare Trust: Initiatives for Social Change.
  2. JIFFEOC– J’s Internationational Foundation For Epilepsy & Other Challenges.
  3. Supporting SA-MUDRA FOUNDATION in Youth Wellness and Suicide Prevention.