J’s La Quill Museum Events


Upcoming Museum Events:

J’s Golden Hand Handwriting Awards:

The ultimate in handwriting awards

Freedom from Bad Handwriting Competitions: 

 “Bad Handwriting is a sign of imperfect education”, said Mahatma Gandhi.

“The first impression should make the best impression, the last impression should leave a lasting impression, in this world of competition ”

“You can Impress Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime and at Any age with good handwriting.”

 To keep this art form of good handwriting alive in the digital age and encourage the young generation to write beautifully.

♣ Exhibition on Calligraphy and Handwriting Instruments: 

Calligraphy artworks will be on display for a specified duration. The dates, timings and details of the artwork displayed as well as the venue will be announced from time-to-time.

♣ Quill Writing Demonstration:

Quill writing demonstrations and photo opportunities with the Maestro as he calligraphs your name with the quill on nameplates and book-markers etc., The Maestro’s services will be available only on prior appointments.


Visiting Hours: 10 am to 5 pm on all days of the week with Prior Appointment.  Currently, Entry to J’s La Quill is Free.

*Please Note: J’s La Quill Museum is a not-for-profit venture, purely created and curated to keep the habit of handwriting alive. Like-minded individuals and corporates are most welcome to join us and support the cause.

Click here to know more: 

Past Events:

♣ Mr. Dominic McAllister, British Deputy High Commissioner.

You are Welcome to Experience the Uniqueness of this Small but World’s One-of-its-kind Museum.