Aham Brahmasmi

The Seed For Self Education: Aham Brahmasmi

The literal meaning for Aham is I - that is Constant and Ever Present. The word Brahmasmi - completes the reading experience with a deeper meaning and perspective. In short, Aham Brahmasmi is for Better Self Education.

This seed is all about preparing yourself with deeper lessons and insights from real-life experiences and our trademark program on self-development - “ Be Your Own Master”, a concept that has had an immense impact on many individuals over the years.

The success over the years gives us the confidence to plant it as a seed, to nurture the self in every cycle, to help prepare for a better future, beyond Covid 19 or any other bigger names that spell destruction.

What Am I?

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Your Inner Voice: Hear It?

“It’s a Happy Talent to Know How to Play” - Ralph Waldo Emerson The Inner Voice! To begin with, I have no formal MBA as a paper qualification. Today I train and guide many Teachers, Professors & PhD scholars who are into Management studies; I taught and...

What and Why Saptha Beej?

The Maestro K.C Janardhan speaks about Handwriting, Lettering, Calligraphy, Fountain Pens, Writing Instruments, and other issues related to Education. Engage the Five Senses, Explore the Two Sides through the Seven Weeks & Seven Deep thought seeds…